Bluebox is an annual contemporary dance programme. It provides a selected number of dancers with the opportunity to receive innovative and specialized, high-quality process within contemporary dance.
The program features a number of internationally renowned guest artists such as:
Alleyne dance
Sofia Nappi
compania komocco
bluebox is located in Vienna, Austria. The anual program goes fromOctober June 1, 2025. It provides the selected dancers with the maximum amount of knowledge, development, and high level training possible. bluebox schedule is based on Sport scientific data to reduce injury risk while maintaining a high level of performance.
Jamaal Burkmar
roberto olivan
christina mertzani
bluebox program includes on-site auditions to give students audition experience and industry contacts while they are still undergoing training. Another point where bluebox differs from other programs in Europe is the vision for individual feedback sessions. These allow each dancer to determine their own career, set goals and thus get the most out of the 8 months.
kenan dinkelmann
marcat dance
Marion sparber
In addition to bringing a strong sense of responsibility to the first generation of bluebox, candidates should be technically proficient, curious, and brave to pursue excellence in dance. It is mandatory to be 18 years old by October 2024. Considering the level at which the program is taught, selected dancers are expected to have some movement background or education.
Nicholas palmquist
raphael miro holzer vanholzers
Catarina Casqueiro
The main focus of bluebox program is physical training and the process of creation, but the program also holds occasional lectures on dramaturgy, nutrition, and other relevant topics useful to dancers in maintaining a creative and long-lasting career. While the first half of the program is rooted in developing tools and techniques, the second part shifts the focus to the creative processes of the participants. This is while still having daily technique classes. Learning to choreograph is first of all a matter of having time, space, opportunities and freedom to experiment. It is also important to look for a working method, content, dramaturgy and form. bluebox does not presuppose specific aesthetics, methodologies or definitions of authorship, but provides coaching and feedback by teachers and invited artists.
Natalia Gabrielczyk
ebgeny kozlov
do theatre
A monthly informal meeting shares the process. An annual performance presents choreographic results. The Student Festival showcases class and personal work. There are also occasional opportunities for external performances.
Heidi Vierthaler
mateo mirdita
Sara Colomino
Through collaboration with top-flight agencies, we facilitate career development contacts and build an outstanding portfolio. bluebox curriculum includes a specific industry week during which dancers can connect, share, and remain in touch with experienced players in the dance industry.
Gaia Magrané
& Michèle Benz
Jonathan Rodríguez
bluebox gen1 is scheduled Tuesday through Saturday. Our typical day starts at 9:00 and ends at 16:00. There are exceptions when we have performances or rest periods. Training is led by a guest artist every week, sometimes two artists share one week, and for special parts of the program such as the industry week, multiple guest artists, companies and agencies will be present.
The Creation
Dancers Agency
Paulina Rewucka
Selected dancers will receive a brochure outlining the full calendar, all locations, guest teachers, performances, industry week and more helpful information about public transport in Vienna etc. This way dancers will be able to work, perform and follow their interests alongside bluebox.